Want glowing looking skin? Eat your water!
Yes, you read that right! Think about it, how many liters of water do you drink daily? The standard amount to keep your body hydrated and all digestive and skin problems at bay is approx. 2,5 liters or 3 EQUA bottles in our language. While for some people reaching this hydration level may be easy peasy lemon squeeze, not everyone can or remembers to drink so much water. And that's perfectly ok! A great way to increase your hydration level is incorporating water based fruits into your diet.
The best part is, not only are you increasing your water intake this way, but you are nurturing your body from the inside-out. And that is the root of perfect skin! You see, no matter how strong your skincare game is, natural beauty comes from our bodies, and hydration makes a huge part of it. This is why infused water is a great way to get all needed nutrients for a clear, radiant looking skin. The vitamins and antioxidants from the fruits will help flush out toxins, while delivering nutrients to your cells and keeping the skin hydrated. And yes, hydrated skin is the key to glowing skin you are after.
Check our favorite yummy water infusion for glowing skin below.

Drinking your way to glowing looking skin has never been easier. All you have to do is put the fruits, herbs and water into your favourite water bottle and enjoy a flavorful drink full of vitamins and hydration
goodness on the go.
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