At EQUA we believe in brilliant ideas as well as in sustainable products and processes. A skilled and exceptional team is also key because together we make everything feasible. Today, we are more than ever focused on being innovative, socially – conscious, and sustainable company because of the support of European funding.
Trajnostna krožna transformacija podjetja
V sodelovanju z agencijo Spirit se je v podjetju izvajal projekt trajnostne krožne transformacije. Do konca julija 2023 je bilo dokočano:
- trajnostna in krožna poslovna strategija,
- poslovni model,
- portfelij idejnih projektov,
- dodelan prioritetni projekt,
- izvedene delavnice in svetovanja s strani agencije.
Znesek sofinanciranja: 23.0180 €. Celotni proračun programa: 23.180,00.
Upgrade of electronic business performance (digitalisation of e-commerce) in EQUA d.o.o.o.
- The electronic exchange between business partners;
- Website foreign markets;
- E-commerce for foreign markets;
- Company/product video;
Training for employees especially with the purpose to enlarge the company’s competitiveness.
In July and August, our team at EQUA had a training in the field of new models and tools for export (digital marketing and sales to enter new markets) by Izstop d.o.o.
Amount of co-financing: 30.000 €
The operation is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. You can read more about it on

Voucher for raising digital competences
With the help of the voucher, EQUA team managed to increase key skills in areas of digitalisation.
Amount of co-financing: 9.300 €
Financing period: December 2019
The operation is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Project EQUA Smart glass
The purpose of the project is the development of an innovative smart motion sensor built into a superbly designed glass bottle. Glass bottle will provide the user with a sufficient level of hydration and above-the average user experience with the help of a mobile application.
Goals of the project:
- Development of innovative smart solution in the segment of smart hydration;
- Designing of the visual the glass bottle and its cover with the goal of maximising optical advantages of glass as material;
- An upgrade of an existing mobile application based on user experience;
- Filling the gap of the segment and higher added value of the existing product range;
- Upgrading of the existing design process in the company and new product strategy;
- Sustainable sound content of the product;
- Raising the competencies of employees, integrating the local environment and partners;
- New customer segments, increasing sales of sustainable products.
Amount of co-financing: 30.000 €
Financing period: February 2020 – January 2021
The operation is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
With help of SPIRIT Slovenia and the "Initiative for sustainable strategic transformation in acquiring global retail chains", we were able to introduce new line of products EQUA CARE. Focusing on building sustainable habits in home and body care without compromising personal style and wellbeing. EQUA team has committed to lowering the transport emissions, decrease packaging waste and give back to community.
The purpose of the project EQUA CARE is a line of home and body care powder products that have been designed to nourish the skin in the most natural way, while protecting the planet from harmful ingredients and waste. Within this project, we are more then ever committed to reduce emissions from transport, reduce packaging waste and return to the environment.
Goals of the project:
- New and innovative concept of body and home care products - natural powder, consisting of premium active ingredients, to which the user adds water;
- 80% lower carbon footprint during transport;
- Lower amount of plastic due to the reduction of packaging waste generated by traditional cosmetic products;
- Development of packaging in terms of greater involvement in the recycling cycle;
- Ecologically sound content of the product - the smallest possible number of active ingredients;
- Raising awareness of users in the field of waste and emissions;
- Raising the sustainable competencies of employees, integrating the local environment and partners;
- New customer segments, increasing sales of sustainable products.
Amount of co-financing: 124.200 €
Financing period: April – October 2020
The operation is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.

Ambassadors of national campaign Green.Creative.Smart.!
EQUA was chosen as one of ambassadors of national campaign I FEEL SLOVENIA. GREEN. CREATIVE. SMART. Proving that Slovenian business environment has our pledge of giving back to the community.

Green Network of Slovenia
EQUA is a part of Slovenian Green network, which connects and supports ideas, challenges, projects, achievement and development for low carbon sustainable tomorrow.