Meet EQUA's blogger babe Vicky Heiler

Meet our blogger babe: Vicky Heiler

What is your secret for a fresh and glam look when working long hours in the office?

For days spent at the office, I generally wear as little make-up as possible. Usually just a tinted moisturizer with some SPF. And of course, I try to drink at least 2.5 L of water at my desk.

"I love my morning and afternoon coffee, but nothing keeps your fresh and glam like plenty of water."

Interview with blogger for MYEQUA - Active Berry glass bottle

Your best office tip?

Organization! It took me a long time to actually get really organized. But now that I have everything in order life is so much easier at the office. Do your taxes right away, answer emails you don't feel like answering right away and write to-do lists. It will help keep your head clear and leave you feeling great and accomplished by the end of the day.

You must have office accessory?

I love my clean white keyboard on the desk, a few washi tapes, a Tom Dixon candle, and of course a stylish water bottle. At our office, nobody really drinks water out of regular cups or glasses - we all have pretty bottles instead. The best part: Each bottle is about 500ml so it helps keep track of how much you drink!

Your office style?

It totally depends on the agenda of the day. If I have meetings or events after work, I will usually stick with denim, nice flats, and a blouse. If it is just me at my desk all day, my go-to look is a pair of dark skinny jeans and a simple round-neck shirt with my favorite necklaces on and a sleek watch on my wrist.

Favorite EQUA bottle?

Since we got to design our own bottle for The Daily Dose ( a few years ago, obviously this bottle has a very special place in my heart. However, since our branding and look has already changed since then, I currently love the Active Summer Berry for the perfect touch of pink on my desk!

Glass water bottle Active Berry - interview with the blogger


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